A model of dyadic merging interactions explains human drivers' behavior from control inputs to decisions
This webpage contains the supplementary videos to the paper “A model of dyadic merging interactions explains human drivers’ behavior from control inputs to decisions” by Olger Siebinga, Arkady Zgonnikov, and David Abbink. The written supplementary materials can be found here. The videos shown here are screen captures taken from the playback script included in the software accompanying the paper. These playbacks can easily be opened using the published software and data, for links to the repositories click the “About” button (right-top corner of the page).
Typical merging interactions
Below are two videos that show typical merging interaction of the model and human participants. These videos show the first occurrence of the neutral condition (0_0) for pair 1. The pane on the left side of the screen shows a top-down view representing what the experimenter saw during the experiment. Participants saw a zoomed-in version of this top-down view (the playback script allows zooming). Below the top-down view are two speed dials. These dials represent the velocities of the left and right vehicle with respect to their average velocity (10 m\s), denoted by the green bar. On the right-hand side, the top plot shows the velocity traces of the red and the blue vehicles. The vertical dotted line indicates the current time. For a detailed explanation of the other two plots, please see Siebinga et al. (2022).
Human participants
Pair 1, trial 5, condition 0_0
Pair 1, trial 10, condition 0_0
Below are two examples of collisions that occurred, one with human participants and one with the model. Both videos were taken from pair 1, but with different experimental conditions. See the written supplementary materials for a more extended discussion on the collisions that occurred and a full list of the participant pair and trial numbers of all trials that ended in a collision. These videos both fall in the category “Drivers take the same action”.
Human participants
Pair 1, trial 32, condition -4_-8
Pair 1, trial 41, condition 2_-8
Other conditions
The videos above show three of the experimental conditions (00, -4-8, 2-8). These conditions are symmetric; -4-8 has the same starting conditions as 4_8 but with the advantage for the other vehicle. Below are videos with examples of the other 3 conditions. These are the first occurrences for the first human pair that did not end in a collision. To further investigate individual trials for human data and the model, please download the code and the data and use the playback script.
Pair 1, trial 3, condition -4_0
Pair 1, trial 4, condition -4_8
Pair 1, trial 7, condition 0_-8